Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sunday, May 16, 2010

♥ Happy Teachers' Day...

Happy Teachers' Day to all teachers, tutors, lecturers or whatever u are called, as long as u educate...

U know who u are...

U never bother... U never complaint... Although u have sacrified your time, your energy & many more for your students, in order to educate & make sure your students earn a lot, especially in term of knowledge...

Thank you for what u have done...

Happy Teachers' Day to cikgu2 yg pernah mengajarku... Terlalu ramai... Especially cikgu2 dr sekolah rendah hingga sekolah menengah...

Buat cikgu yg paling aku sayang... Yg aku x pernah lupa sampai bila2... Terima kasih byk2... Walaupun berpisah dgn beliau di akhir zaman persekolahan kerana kembali ke tempat asal, tp beliau sentiasa ada bersama sewaktu di waktu tamatnya zaman persekolahan...

Cikgu Hajah Che Rahmah... I missed u a lot... I hope we'll meet again... Thanks for being my 'mum', my 'guidance', my 'friends' when I have nobody right there... U always there for me if I have any doubt...

1 comment:

  1. ape2pn tanpa cikgu siapalah kita? hehe selamat ari guru jgk kt cikg2 awk! :)
