Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Saturday, February 27, 2010

♥ Again, I want to talk about LOVE...

LOVE is often difficult to express. And yet, it always has the power to bind two individuals in a perpetual bond. Fortunate are those who are able to find their soul mates and get a chance to experience one of the most powerful human emotions. But from time to time lovers also need to announce their love for each other...

♥ Most Romantic Things To Say To Her...

Just the right things to say... Now, wait for the right moment, & whip out one of these lines....
  1. When giving her a dozen roses, 11 real & 1 fake, say "I will love u until the last one dies."
  2. Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love u... I was doing great until I ran out stars.
  3. If u held up 11 roses into a mirror, u'd be looking at 12 most beautiful things in the world.
  4. I sent an angel to look over u at night. The angel come back a minute later & i asked it why... It told me "angels don't watch other angels."
  5. They say a picture tells 1000 words but when I see yours, all I see is 3... I, Love, Yo...
  6. U're my bestfriend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on, u're the love of my life, u're my one & only, u're my everything...
  7. I love u...
  8. I'll love u till death, & then some...
  9. I love u forever...
  10. I could hold u forever...

♥ I never wanted...

I never wanted u to come again in my life... But, I need u right here to be mine...

I never wanted u to touch my heart again... But, i really want it too... Touch my heart please... Hold it carefully, & please don't break it...

I never wanted my eyes to drop the tears again... But, it comes out when I'm thinking of u...

I never wanted u to feel guilty with what so ever u have done to me... I wrong too... & I felt it so...

I never wanted to forget u... Because I love u with all my heart that I have... & the love for u just never fade...

I never wanted u to leave me again... so please... don't leave me...

Oh God... I pray to u... Please, show us the way, if we are meant together...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

♥ You Never Leave My Mind...

I wanna wish u... Happy 27th birthday... May this age filled with happy memories, wonderful moments n shining dreams...

A year has passed, and separates us... But honestly, my heart is still hard to forget u...

U never leave my mind... Even when I've million things to worry about...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

♥ Happy Birthday Mum...

Yesterday, 3rd February 2010 ~ mum's 50th birthday... u've reached the five-0, mum...

U're someone I can count on to listen & care... Never too hurried to give your love - I know, u're always there... U're someone very special who always be a part of warm & loving memories I cherish in my heart...

Your thoughts so much of & this comes to tell u why... It's because u just grow dearer as the days & years go by - its because the thoughtfulness u show has a special n loving touch & u're very special that's why u're loved so much...

May God bless u... I'll always love u forever, hereafter...
