Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Monday, January 25, 2010

♥ Chopsticks Story...

I went out with Ah Lai yesterday, jalan2, lepak2 & makan2. Yea lah... Long time no see each other. Hee~ So, story about 'makan2', there was a funny thing happen. We took our lunch at one of Chinese cafe ~ Tun Jugah food court (HALAL yea)... So I've ordered Cantonese mee with seafood (so brilliant right, lunch with MEE...) So delicious woo... u all should try, i guess...

What happen next...??? Eat la, what else... Hee~ But, i don't know how to eat then... Impossible to me to eat mee with my hand... Aiyyo... They didn't provide a spoon n fork to me, but there's a pair of chopsticks... Then, how to eat??? Chopstick...??

I wanna ask for spoon-fork, but, i'm shy... Lai said, "u look like a Chinese girl, so that's why they didn't give u those things..." May be lorh... Again, Lai said, "Look at Malay couple at right side there? They use spoon-fork..." then she laugh-out-loud!

Whatever la... I just wanna eat... So, hungry, so belasah je la...

But, thanks Lai, b'coz she taught me how to use chopsticks after i bertungkus-lumus makan with chopsticks... Thanks Lai.. Luv u... :)

Now, I can use chopsticks... & I can rub my shoulder, by answering YES, when people ask me, "u can use chopstick???" Heee~

So here, I wanna share u, how to use chopstick... Easy meh... Keep on trying yea, if u don't know how to use la & u're willing to learn... :) (like me before..)

First of all, u need a pair of chopsticks... Take or hold 1 chopstick between your thumb & middle finger. Hold the chopstick so that it lies at the base of your thumb & at the lower joint of your middle finger... It should not touch the forefinger...

Ok, so next... U take the other chopstick & place it between your thumb & forefinger... The side of the chopstick should rest against the tip of your thumb... Make sure the top of the chopstick is resting against the pad of your forefinger... Here, u've to make the tips of the chopsticks are parallel...

(I'm hoping that u all may understand...)

Now, u keep the first chopstick (not moving k) & u can practise moving the second chopstick toward the first chopstick... After few practice, u can try to position your chopstick around a piece of food n practise eating your food with chopsticks...


So long explaination uhh...???

So... How? Try! Do practice it at home k... There's nothing wrong for us to learn other people culture...

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